Altruism or Virtue – love, to do good for those who need it without violating the Law nor Ethics and without expecting to receive something in return
anacyclosis – a tendency in States to change the type of government in response to violation of the Law with public force
anarchy – a territory without an organized collective force to enforce the rules in the whole territory
autocrat – the individual who controls government in a territory
authoritarianism – the fallacy that superiority confers on certain persons the right to impose their will on their inferiors, without an impartial trial; the justification for the use of public force beyond the enforcement of the Law
Cantillion effect – the persons in a more direct reciprocal relationship to the producers of money or currency have an advantage over those further away
chief of State – a person who heads the government and represents the State; a person who organizes the means for coercive force in the executive branch
coercion – the threat or force used to do harm
commerce – exchanges of property
constitution – the written or customary social contract of a State that define the structure of government and the rights and obligations between the People and government
contract – an explicit written or verbal agreement that defines the rights and obligations of free parties to the agreement
cooperation – the planned or spontaneous organization among people to achieve compatible or common goals
corruption – the weakening of a State because of violations to the Law by public force
coup d’État – the coercive reorganization of a government by a political faction within government
crime – the violation of liberty or property; the acquisition or violation of property without the free consent of the owner
currency – a means of exchange created by and subject to politics; material that has little or no intrinsic value; excessively easy to increase the quantity and supply in existence
deceit – the act of hiding what is, especially coercion or the violation of property or rights
demagogy – promises to the People that violate the Law in exchange for votes; tactic in the competition for the control of public force
devaluation – the loss of value of money or currency caused by an increase in its supply
dictatorship – a State whose People have surrendered control of public power and their sovereignty to an individual or group
disloyalty or betrayal – the violation of trust; failure to deliver what is owed in a free reciprocal agreement
due diligence – the care that a responsible individual exercises to prevent harm, danger, inequitable or involuntary obligations, or false beliefs
due process – the part of judicial process whose purpose is to ensure beyond a reasonable doubt that the accusation and trial of an individual accused do not violate the Law
economy – the dynamics of the market that can be studied through the quantification of the goods and services exchanged in it
Ethics – voluntary rules that facilitate cooperation and encourage equity in exchanges
exploitation – the systematic violation of property
faction – a sector of the People who competes with others in a State for public power
fraud – the act of acquiring an advantage or property through deceit or betrayal of trust
free – not subject to coercion or deceit
government – the organization that administers public force
Grand Jury – a large tribunal or assembly of persons drawn randomly from the People to judge if there is sufficient evidence that an individual violated the Law for a person to be taken to trial
hegemony – the use of public power in violation of the Law against political opponents, inside or outside of the State
ideology – a means of recruiting members for a faction; a set of beliefs and values through which the world is interpreted, that describes how it should be, and what should be done with public power to reach that vision
impartiality – to not give preference or advantage to one part over another in a reparation
inflation – the rise in prices caused by the increase in supply of money or currency; the symptoms of the devaluation of a money or currency; the rise in prices caused by a surge in the demand for goods and services
judicial branch – the branch of government whose function is to determine if the Law was violated, communicate sentences that do not violate the Law to the executive branch, and inform legislature and public with regards to legislation that violates the Law
Jury – a smaller tribunal than the Grand Jury of persons drawn randomly from the People to judge if a person accused violated the Law and should be held liable or be free
Justice – the equitable and impartial enforcement of the Law on liable inhabitants of the State
Law – the minimum of rules necessary to interact freely; the only ones for which the use of force can be justified
Legal Theory – theory, series of hypothesis as to what the Law is
legislation – the written rules that limit or compel certain behaviours that are imposed with public force; hypotheses of Law
legislative branch – body of citizens elected by a majority of voters whose function is to write and prescribe legislation for the State
legislator – a person who writes legislation in a State
liability – the understanding of the Law that makes a person subject to punishment for violating it
liberty – absence of coercion and deceit
M.A.D. – mutual assured destruction; the inevitable end of international politics not limited by Law
magistrate – a person who organizes a trial to determine if the Law was violated
market – space where commerce takes place; the network of reciprocity that exchanges quantifiable goods and services
monarchy – a State with a genetic lineage represented by a monarch as chief of State who controls public power
money – means of exchange of goods and services whose production and value are not subject to politics, but to supply and demand
Morality – theory of Natural or Social Law; a hierarchy of rules that increase trust for society to be established and grow stronger and that is divided into Law at the base, followed by Ethics, and that culminates with Altruism or Virtue
Natural or Social Law – the principles that protect and promote trust and society and enable mutually beneficial reciprocity
nepotism – the tendency to use public power to benefit family or allies
obligation – what one owes in a contract
oligarchy – a State with a minority that controls public power
oppression – the systematic violation of liberty
People – the basis for public force in a State; those who judge the performance of government and elect the individuals who exercise public power
plutocracy – a State whose government is dominated by officials who use public power to enrich themselves
polarization – division among the members of a State in two polar antagonist factions that struggle for power to control public force in violation of the Law
political party – a group that has received permission to compete for public power
politics – competition for power
populism - a hypothetical antagonism between the People and “enemies” of the People supposedly responsible for the inequality in wealth and power between the members of the State
populist democracy – a State whose majority accepts the populist ideology and surrenders the sovereignty of the People in exchange for the equalization of wealth and power in Society
power – the potential to do, coerce, or deceive
property – general consensus about what is our own; what one possesses for being; what one has acquired without coercion and deceit
public force or power – the power to enforce the Law in a territory, writing and enacting legal rules, judging if the Law has been violated, and penalizing those who have violated it
reciprocity – correspondence; mutual exchanges between individuals
representative democracy – a State that elects the individuals who control public power
reparation – restoration; compensation of a disadvantage caused by damage or loss
republic – a State whose constitution distributes the control of public power among different political structures in the government
revolution – the coercive reorganization of a government by a political faction external to government
right – what is owed to one in a contract
rule of Law – a condition where the State, government and People, do not violate the Law
separation of powers – the distribution of functions between different structures in government to prevent the concentration of public power
social pathogens – behaviours that damage or destroy social relationships; coercion, deceit, and disloyalty or betrayal
social pathology – the violation of liberty or property in society, between members of a Society
society – a benevolent reciprocal relationship
Society – a network of mutually beneficial relationships
sovereignty – sufficient power to defend one’s liberty or property
State – the Society in a territory that cooperates to organize collective or public force to enforce the Law for everyone in the territory
State with a Jury system – a State whose People have the power in juries to declare if a person accused has violated the Law and, therefore, if public force may be used against him or her
totalitarianism – the justification of the use of power into every aspect of the life of a person
trust – faith; fides; the will to relate to others
unanimity – the decision of a whole group, not a part; means of ensuring impartiality and preventing social fragmentation
war – reciprocal violation of the Law between factions or States
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